Thursday, November 19, 2009

Can cancer be a Blessing?...Yes, it can!!

As crazy as it sounds breast cancer is a blessing. Kelly and I were brought together by breast cancer and together we had a vision. That vision is S.E.E. Pink. The vision of S.E.E. Pink is Serve/Empower/Educate. If tonight was any indication of the positive impact our organization is going to have, then we need to get ready for a wild and wonderful ride!!

The support that Kelly and I receive from family and friends continues. It is with their support that we know we can accomplish the mission God has for us. Woody, my husband, was there tonight taking notes and making pizza runs and if David, Kelly's husband, hadn't been stuck at an airport then I know he would have been there too! Destiny, my bff, was right just like she was from the beginning. I know that the three of them will be an invaluable resource for the loved ones of our members. Michelle doesn't know what she has gotten herself into, because I see her working with the kids of our members. She is wonderful with young people and we are blessed to have her want to be a part of S.E.E. Pink.

I can't write tonight without talking about a very special young lady that came with her mom tonight. I have a new bff and her name is Markie!! She is 14 and precious. I know that her mom feels so blessed to have her. Her personality just fills the room and you can't help but be drawn into her world! I see big things in her future.

I will close now. It has been an emotional night and I need to get geared up for tomorrow. I have my 3rd follow up appointment with my oncologist and then Kelly and I are going with a new S.E.E. Pink member to her oncologist appointment at Vanderbilt. By the way, thanks Destiny for taking care of Kelly's little people!

Have a blessed weekend.


Checking in...

Good morning!

It has been brought to my attention (Thanks Des!) that I need to pay more attention to my blog. So, once again, I will put my best foot forward and try to do just that.

First of all, I have to say that I was shocked when the new standards came out for detecting breast cancer! I thought the age would be lowered for mammos, but instead it was raised. From what I am hearing, there is some back pedaling going on and I'm glad! We must raise our voices and be heard all over. If one life is saved, then it is worth it. If I followed these guidelines, then by the time my cancer was detected I would have had a MUCH greater fight ahead of me versus the one I fought. I was a Stage 1A and only had a lumpectomy followed by 4 rounds of chemo and then radiation. If it had been detected later, then it would have likely spread well beyond the breast and lymph nodes.

Second, I would like to remind everyone that S.E.E. Pink will be meeting tonight at Exit Realty Clarksville at 6pm. We will brainstorm about future meetings. Kelly and I have some really good ideas, but we want to make sure that our members get what they need, so their input is invaluable. If you or someone you know has been diagnosed or is a survivor, please join us!

Have a blessed day.


Going Bald My Way!