Thursday, November 19, 2009

Can cancer be a Blessing?...Yes, it can!!

As crazy as it sounds breast cancer is a blessing. Kelly and I were brought together by breast cancer and together we had a vision. That vision is S.E.E. Pink. The vision of S.E.E. Pink is Serve/Empower/Educate. If tonight was any indication of the positive impact our organization is going to have, then we need to get ready for a wild and wonderful ride!!

The support that Kelly and I receive from family and friends continues. It is with their support that we know we can accomplish the mission God has for us. Woody, my husband, was there tonight taking notes and making pizza runs and if David, Kelly's husband, hadn't been stuck at an airport then I know he would have been there too! Destiny, my bff, was right just like she was from the beginning. I know that the three of them will be an invaluable resource for the loved ones of our members. Michelle doesn't know what she has gotten herself into, because I see her working with the kids of our members. She is wonderful with young people and we are blessed to have her want to be a part of S.E.E. Pink.

I can't write tonight without talking about a very special young lady that came with her mom tonight. I have a new bff and her name is Markie!! She is 14 and precious. I know that her mom feels so blessed to have her. Her personality just fills the room and you can't help but be drawn into her world! I see big things in her future.

I will close now. It has been an emotional night and I need to get geared up for tomorrow. I have my 3rd follow up appointment with my oncologist and then Kelly and I are going with a new S.E.E. Pink member to her oncologist appointment at Vanderbilt. By the way, thanks Destiny for taking care of Kelly's little people!

Have a blessed weekend.


Checking in...

Good morning!

It has been brought to my attention (Thanks Des!) that I need to pay more attention to my blog. So, once again, I will put my best foot forward and try to do just that.

First of all, I have to say that I was shocked when the new standards came out for detecting breast cancer! I thought the age would be lowered for mammos, but instead it was raised. From what I am hearing, there is some back pedaling going on and I'm glad! We must raise our voices and be heard all over. If one life is saved, then it is worth it. If I followed these guidelines, then by the time my cancer was detected I would have had a MUCH greater fight ahead of me versus the one I fought. I was a Stage 1A and only had a lumpectomy followed by 4 rounds of chemo and then radiation. If it had been detected later, then it would have likely spread well beyond the breast and lymph nodes.

Second, I would like to remind everyone that S.E.E. Pink will be meeting tonight at Exit Realty Clarksville at 6pm. We will brainstorm about future meetings. Kelly and I have some really good ideas, but we want to make sure that our members get what they need, so their input is invaluable. If you or someone you know has been diagnosed or is a survivor, please join us!

Have a blessed day.


Sunday, October 25, 2009

Making year later

Good morning,

Yesterday was the annual Making Strides for Breast Cancer walk in Nashville, TN. Woody and I walked all of it this year, but with a completely different team. It was the Clarksville Athletic Club group. There is another member who has been fighting BC this year and the club really ramped up their support! We had very cool tee shirts and very motivated walkers!

It was so different this year for me. Of course, I missed my friends from last year's walk. They walked for me, because I really couldn't walk it myself. I say I couldn't, but I might have been able to...we won't ever know! See, I was just coming off of my first chemo treatment and my white count was extremely low, so we just thought it best that I conserve my energy. Woody and I walked about half a mile and turned around and then we crossed the finish line with them!! This year, my sweet friend, Destiny, was not by my side and that was hard. She wasn't feeling well and couldn't come out. She was by my side from the get go, so it is bittersweet for me when she isn't there at momentous times. Love you girl!

I had better close now. I have to get ready to go work the nursery at church, go to 11:30 service and then come home to get ready for the Baptism ceremony...of which I will partake in! Yep, Lynne is getting Baptized today! I'm so excited!!

Have a blessed day everyone.



Monday, September 21, 2009

What a difference a year makes...

I started this post on September 22nd...This time last year we were joined in the manroom by my parents and Destiny in anticipation of my surgery the next morning. Joseph dropped by with an amazing chocolate cake and we all watched a bit of "Dancing with the Stars"! The next morning was the beginning of the biggest challenge I have ever faced. Since that fateful day I have survived surgery, chemo, a bald head, weight gain, radiation, new hair growth, and many emotions that are sometimes hard to put into words!

Now I will wrap it up! Today is October 1st and begins 31 days of breast cancer awareness. You won't be able to go anywhere without seeing something pink! I have grown to embrace the color and am thankful for a complection that doesn't clash with it! lol lol Seriously, the color pink is so significant to me now as a survivor. It's funny because I think everyone should know that I'm now wearing pink because of breast cancer, but how could they know if I don't tell them?!

The upcoming "firsts" are also going to bring a lot of emotions to the surface. On the 13th I will reminence about my first chemo and then comes the hair loss...

On a positive note, Kelly and I will kick off our new "care group", SEE Pink, on October 18th here in Clarksville. We are so excited about it and can't wait share our vision. We hope that our experiences and those of our loved ones will help encourage others to fight this disease with fire and a little humor! Stay tuned for pictures and a recap of the big event!

I will close for now. I promise, Destiny, that I will work hard to keep my blog updated from this point forward!!

Have a blessed day.

Love you all,

Lynne, Breast Cancer SURVIVOR!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Today I come to you from the couch in the "manroom" where football is on the big screen! My sweet husband is by my side, and I couldn't be happier. There has been a lot going on lately, so I will take some time to update you.

First, I (we) decided that I would take a bit of a break (retirement, sort of!) from selling real estate. I just couldn't find it in my heart to be passionate about it and that just isn't a productive state of mind for success. I'm thankful to have a husband that supported and encouraged me to make the change. I know he likes it when I fix his breakfast, pack his lunch, and then have dinner cooking when he gets home! I confess that I enjoy it too!!

The other thing I have started to focus on is starting a new care (support) group for breast cancer patients/survivors here in Clarksville. I have partnered with fellow survivor, Kelly Blevins, to start SEE Pink!
We are both so excited and are looking forward to our kick off Open House on October 18th. You can reach us via email at If you or someone you know needs us, please contact us! The SEE in SEE Pink stands for Serve/Empower/Educate. We just know it is going to be a great thing! Please keep us in your prayers as we embark on this big adventure!

It is also coming up on one year since my diagnosis and surgery. I'm not sure why, but I've gotten very emotional. All throughout my treatment I maintained a very positive outlook and really didn't get too emotional about things. I suppose it was because there was a fight in front of me that needed more focus than my emotions! Now I'm able to reflect and I suppose that is where the emotions begin to surface. Part of me feels as though it was a lifetime ago that I had surgery and treatment while the other part feels as if it were yesterday! Of course, I now have hair and it is no longer obvious that I had breast cancer. The pink ribbon tattoo on my ankle is the only obvious sign that remains. I'm glad about that and thankful for hair, but I truly can't wait until I have a ponytail!!! Sorry Mother, Dad, and Inez, but I'm not going to keep my hair short!!!

I would like to say 'thank you' to everyone who stood by my side, prayed for me, laughed with me, and cried with me through this ordeal. Fighting cancer with an Army of loved ones behind you is a much easier fight than facing it alone! I am especially thankful for Woody. My parents are always saying that they couldn't have hand-picked a better husband for me, and I agree! I know that the good Lord blessed me when he brought Woody into my life! Thank you, Sweetheart...I LOVE YOU!!!

I wish you all a very happy, productive, and blessed week!


Wednesday, August 26, 2009

AWESOME Ultrasound!

I had the best ultrasound this morning! It was the first one on my affected breast since surgery and treatment. I don't think any of us in the room (me, Woody, Dr. Steely, Nurse Judy) expected what we saw...FEWER cysts than ever before! Dr. Steely said, "I'm taking pictures for reference" because there really wasn't much to mark as far as cysts go!

I am so thankful for this, and will be doing a post very soon discussing many things I am thankful for so stay tuned!

Have a blessed day, I sure did!


Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Two Blogs...

Good morning! I did an update on the SeePink2 blog this morning and felt guilty about not doing one on my original blog, so here it is!

Great story unfolding on the See Pink blog, so check it out.

I was supposed to be at my surgeon's office this morning for my ultrasound. I have not had one on my affected breast since surgery and treatment, so I was a bit frustrated when I learned that I would have to reschedule my appointment. You see, I didn't double check to make sure that my referral was current. So, I had to contact my primary care doc to ask them to contact Tri-care for the referral. I think my frustration level increased when I found out that I would have to wait until Friday for it to be requested, since the person at the office who takes care of those things only does so on Fridays.

Then I contacted the surgeon's office to reschedule, again, for next week. Thankfully, when I called I spoke to Judy, Dr. Steely's nurse. She calmed me down and scheduled me for next week. She is just wonderful and I've always been thankful for her...except when she took my drainage tubes out after surgery...boy did that hurt like the dickens!!! lol lol Seriously, I appreciate that she calmed me right down about it. Everything is going to be fine when I go, but I think I had just worked myself up to get it over with today.

Back to responsibility. It was all on me. I am always saying that it is our responsibility to make sure we take care of ourselves, especially when it comes to our health. So, part of that is making sure details such as referrals are handled and that appointments can be met. Putting that off on someone else is wrong. I will need to be better and make sure that I write down what needs to be done and when!

Have a great day everyone. I hope that it is filled with wonderful memories no matter what you have going on!!

Love you all,


Sunday, August 16, 2009

New Blog, New Mission!

Good morning. I want to encourage you all to check my new blog...See Pink. It kicks off a new venture with my friend, and fellow breast cancer alum Kelly Blevins. The link is to the right under "My Blogs".

Have a great Sunday and God Bless.

Love you all,


Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Yesterday I had my first mammogram since my diagnosis and everything came back good, just like it did last year.

I've got to make sure that I do a couple of things when it comes to mammograms:

1. Remember that Dr. Steely (my surgeon) said that I still needed them although it was not a mammogram that detected my cancer!

2. Remember that Dr. Steely (my surgeon) said that I still needed them although it was not a mammogram that detected my cancer!

Mammograms are crucial for women and should never be taken lightly. Per Dr. Steely, a mammogram might see something in my breasts that his ultrasound cannot. This is the case even with my dense breast tissue. So, for me, it becomes a piece of the pie that makes up my screening plan. I also found out yesterday that I will be required, for a while, to have a mammo on my left breast every six months. Joy, joy, joy!!! lol lol

I am scheduled for my ultrasound with Dr. Steely next Wednesday. This will be the first one on my left breast since my surgery and treatment. If I'm totally honest, then I guess I would have to say that I am a bit nervous about it. I don't know if the scar tissue is going to hinder the test, but I will find out next week!

Speaking of ultrasounds, I had one on my ovaries a couple of weeks ago! My new gyno wanted to have a baseline on them now that I have had breast cancer. I was kinda hoping she would say something like, "They look rough, let's just take them out and everything else out"! I don't need them, I'm not having children, and I don't need anymore hormones threatening my breasts so why not get rid of them??!!! You know I'm already hot flashing like crazy, so what's something else to add to the fun??!! Alas my ovaries are good to go and I'm keeping it all for now!!

Kelly Blevins and I are working out the details regarding our new support group, so stay tuned for more info.

Have a wonderful hump day!

Love you all,


Sunday, August 9, 2009

It's about time!

Good afternoon. After church this morning and before my nursery duty, Destiny reiterated that I had not updated my blog in quite some time!! So, here it is.

I am very excited about moving forward with a new support group. Kelly Blevins is moved to do the same, so we are going to put our efforts together and do something grand! I am sure we will put together a blog just for the group and I will post a link to it on this page. Kelly is so much more disciplined than me, so it should stay updated without much delay! I won't put all of the writing responsibility on her, but as long as I know that she will be expecting me to write, I will get it done.

Last weekend I had the best time with Melanie at Hilton Head Island! I was her companion since her husband couldn't go. Her son, Wade, brought a friend and we all had a great time. I will post some pictures later. I did discover that too much sun and tamoxifen doesn't mix!! I broke out with a rash that soon went away after I stayed out of the sun for a few days. That is one side effect that I'm not really excited about!!!

This afternoon I have to go to the gym and get back on it with my Half Marathon training. I really haven't done anything this week and I can't let that become a habit. So, it is off to the treadmill this afternoon!

Take care everyone. Have a blessed week, happy running, and love you all!


Monday, July 27, 2009

Divine Intervention...

...that is exactly what happened this morning as I left for my run! I saw a couple walking in front of the house with "race for the cure" t-shirts on, so I commented about liking them and that I was a survivor. Her daughter, who has been through the ringer with breast cancer, and her daughters have moved here from Seattle to live with them. I gave her my card and told her to have her call me.

I have wanted to get a group together and this morning just motivated me more to get it done! I am going with Meli to Hilton Head Friday for a few days, so I will take that time to make a plan. Meli is a great planner, so I know it will be huge to have her input.

I do believe, more than ever, that God put me in this position for a reason. I have been told that I never meet a stranger and can talk to anyone about anything, so it is high time I put those talents to good use. It is time to walk the walk instead of just talking the talk.

Everyone have a wonderful week. If you are, or know someone who is, affected by breast cancer and live in the Clarksville, TN area, please contact me. I want to have a group together and ready to meet by September. We especially don't need to go into the dreary winter months without a positive network of awesome women (and men!) to turn to when needed.

Love you all and happy running!


P.S. I saw a picture from the 4th of July run of myself and I swear it looks like I have a ponytail!! The is a woman behind me and you can't see anythying except her hair...of course, that must mean she is incredibly tiny in order for me to hide her!! lol lol

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Night Sweats...What a HASSLE!

I come to you this morning after another night of virtually no sleep! So, having said that, I cannot be held accountable for any typos in grammar or spelling!!! lol

Being thrown into "medically induced menopause" has had its advantages, but it has come with a price. The advantage is obvious to all women who dread their "monthly visitor", but the price I'm paying definitely isn't monetary. Actually, I'm saving a bit on that end of it if you know what I mean. I'm also not experiencing the really sore breasts that came along with my period, which is awesome! What is a pain, however, are the sweats that have no rhyme or reason. I may have a nights with no issues, some with very little, or a night like last night where I just couldn't get comfortable enough to enjoy my sleep! The tamoxifen only makes them worse, so I am just going to have to suck it up and deal with it.

That is easier said than done. I was supposed to meet Christina and Sarah Beth this morning for a quick run, but I just didn't have it in me. Instead, I got up, made coffee, and got on the computer. This morning would have been great for a run because the temp is nice and there is a breeze.

I will settle for this evening when I meet with the running coach for the first time. I'm sure, true to good ole southern weather, that it will be nice and muggy!! We are going to do a one mile run (I think) so that we can be evaluated and then she will put us on a schedule and give us a log book. I'm looking forward to it. I know that I need to step it up if I'm going to do this Half Marathon in November.

I'm excited about going to the beach with Melanie and Wade at the end of the month. For those of you who don't know it, Meli is a big runner! I told her yesterday that I was bringing my Ipod because I didn't expect her to literally run with me. Our idea of a long run on Saturday at the beach will be a bit different...she will probably do 8 miles or so and I will do about 4 or 5.

Well, it is time for another cup of coffee. I hope you all have a blessed day today!

Love you all, and get out and run!! (note to self!! lol lol)


Monday, July 20, 2009

NO MO CANCER...good bloodwork, again!

Today I had my second visit with the oncologist post chemo, and once again my numbers are still tracking on the positive. I had no doubts, but it is good to hear them say it. I will go again in November and then three more next year. After that I think I will get to go once a year maybe...not sure but will cross that bridge later.

I hope you all saw the article in the Leaf Chronicle. It was good and we have gotten lots of good feedback. Of course, now that it is all over the city and world wide web I cannot back out!!! I'm sure Cyleste would kick my behind so I wouldn't try it anyway!

Got lots to do this week, so I will scoot. Have a blessed week.

Love you all and happy running,


Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Headline News...sort of!

This was my attempt to be "on it" with my blog! I started it on Tuesday night and am finishing this morning...

...Yesterday Kelly Blevins and I met a reporter and photographer from The Leaf Chronicle at Beachaven Winery to do a spot on us. We are part of the first all woman team registered for Clarksville's first annual Half Marathon in November. Cyleste Coppage of R3 Running Store set things up and joined us along with several representatives from First Command. I believe a story will be done later on their sponsorship and team members who are also running.

So, go to on Sunday and check things out. We were asked how we decided to run and also we shared briefly our diagnosis. We have shared a more in depth story with Cyleste for her blog on the newspaper's site, so I am sure some of that will be used to put the story together. We were all suprised to hear that we would be in the Sunday addition and possibly on the front page no less!!

Kelly and I wore t-shirts with breast cancer slogans on them...the headline could be tricky!!! Our team name is "The Trotting Tatas"!! I have to thank Destiny for her brainstorming that got us such a catchy team name. They took several pictures, so it will be interesting to see which ones they use.

Our other team member, Kelly Sheets, couldn't be there, but there should be a follow up article highlighting her. Kelly was one of my chemo nurses. I can't imagine how hard her job is because I only had to deal with my cancer. Kelly deals with everyone's cancer that walks through their doors. She is awesome! I was so excited that she agreed to be on our team.


Woody and I went for a brisk walk this morning and I wore my new Sketcher "Shape Ups". I am loving them. My goal is to get to the point where I wear them pretty much all of the time. They are supposed to help with posture, firming the abs and buttocks and a laundry list of other things. I believe it!

I have to quickly tell about my trip on Thursday with Kelly B. It was her birthday and it was a chemo day. I, along with her husband and friend, David and Kelly, tried to make it as much fun as a birthday of chemo could be. We succeeded!! We took a cake, ate it and shared it. The girls also had a quickie pedicure. For some reason, we couldn't get David to let us paint his toenails pink!!! She did great and hasn't had a reaction for a couple of weeks now.

Better run. Lots to do today. Don't forget to check out the Leaf Chronicle tomorrow!

Love you all,


Sunday, July 5, 2009

Enough Already with the 5Ks!!

That is what Woody says, well sort of! He says it is time to look forward to a 10K and to step outside of my comfort zone in running. So, that is what I plan to do. We are going to do the Chick-fil-a 10K in September, which will put me in line with my training for the Half Marathon in November.

We did the 4th of July 5K in Nashville and it was a lot of fun. I really felt a lot of pride in accomplishing it. There were a couple of nasty hills too!

This is a short and sweet post. Just want to get back in the habit of updating. Check out the blog on that Cyleste Coppage (owner of R3 running store in Clarksville) is writing. She is hoping to get people motivated to sign up for the Half in November!

Love you all and happy running.


Thursday, July 2, 2009


Hello everyone,

Long time, no post!! As you may or may not know, I have decided to become a runner! Yep, that's right, a runner! NO LAUGHING!!!!! I'm very surprised that I have been able to be consistent in my training. This morning I upped my speed around our block of a mile. It felt good and I know small accomplishments like these will keep me going. Woody and I are running another 5k Saturday morning and will pick up the pace beginning this month as we look forward to November 7th and my first 1/2 marathon.

My friend and owner of R3 running store, Cyleste, is doing a blog on the local newspaper's website and needs to have me write something about my decision to begin running to regain my health after cancer. I'm unsure what to say at the point, but have to get my thoughts together quickly!

I have decided to kick into gear my plans to begin another breast cancer support group. There is one here in town and I have visited them once. They seem like an awesome bunch of survivors! However, I feel this calling to begin another one and along with my friend, Kelly, will do just that. Kelly is embarking on the tailend of her chemo treatments. She goes weekly and I plan to go with her on the 16th, which is her birthday! We are going to have a little "chemo birthday party"!! Her spirit is amazing and so is her smile. I am so proud to be her friend.

One thing I plan to incorporate into the new support group is reocognizing the caregivers. They are as much in need of support as we, the ones with cancer, are and I hope to show them their support is needed and appreciated by us.

I will close now. I have to get busy!!!

Love you all and happy running,


Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Let's Talk Running and Breast Cancer!

This morning I will make my radio debut! Cyleste Coppage, the director of the first annual Clarksville Half Marathon and owner of R3 running store, invited me to join her to talk about breast cancer this morning on AM 1400. She has talked me into forming a team and running the 1/2 on November 7th. I'm hoping that I will still like her when I'm done running!! Just teasing.

I'm a little nervous about it, but I'm sure it will all be ok. My main objective is to encourage women to take charge of their health. Remember, 'when in charge, be in charge'!!! If you believe there is something going on with your body that isn't normal, make the doctors listen to you!! They work for you!!

We have to come up with a team name and logo for the 1/2, so if anyone has any ideas feel free to make them known. We used the name "Save the Boobies" for the Making Strides walk last October, so I want to come up with something as fun, but new.

Better run (no pun intended!) and have a second cup of coffee and get my act together. Have a beautiful day.

Love you all,


Monday, May 25, 2009


That is the distance of the half marathon I have committed to run on November 7th! I will soon beginning training with a certified coach and, hopefully, others who will join me on a team. I don't know all of the training details just yet, but I am sure I will begin training in June. That mixed with going to the gym with Destiny should get me on track to good health once and for all!

I welcome anyone who wants to join me on the 7th of November to plan on it! I will post information about the training and also how we can possibly raise money for a breast cancer charity. I've also got to come up with a clever team name! Please feel free to post any suggestions!!

Have a great week.

Love you all,


Monday, May 11, 2009

Hey, I'm still around!

I just wanted to drop in this morning since it has been so very long since my last post. Things are great with real estate and I'm having a great time with it!

We are so tired of the rainy days in Tennessee, and are hoping the sun prevails for more than a few days very soon!!

Have a blessed day.

Love you all,


Monday, April 20, 2009

This Time I Mean It!!!!

Okay, today I am definitely starting my new workout program! I know many of you are thinking you've heard that one before, but I really do mean it. I'm tired of feeling dumpy and out of shape.

I have been given a new lease on life and shame on me for not taking better care of myself. I have access to a great gym, beautiful neighborhood to walk in and a great support system. It is high time I step up and take full advantage!

I'm going to get ready now so that I can be there ready to go at 6:45. Have a productive week everyone!!

Love you all,


Monday, April 6, 2009

Vacation Time...

I come to you this morning from my Mother's couch in South Alabama. It has been awhile, once again, since my last post. I must get better at this, but am not sure I have it in me like my friend Courtney (! Her dedication to her blog is inspirational!!

Woody and I have taken a vacation. The last time we really took time off was a trip to Ft. Bragg for a Memorial Fundraiser in honor of our friend Scott Dyer. This is a much overdue trip and we are enjoying ourselves very much.

We went to dinner Friday night at a dive called Butch Cassidy's. My Dad has touted their burgers and wings for sometime now, and he was spot on! Delicious, delicous, delicious!!! Saturday we drove down to Biloxi and Bay St. Louis. There is so much still to rebuild/repair from Hurricane Katrina. There is a lot resolve to do so and it shows in what they have accomplished since then. I will attach some pictures after we return home. Oh, we ate at the neatest beach bar & grill that afternoon called Shaggy's. It was great! We all enjoyed what we ordered, but my recommendation is the fried shrimp po boy my Dad got. Next time he knows to order it without the bread!!! There had to have been 3 dozen fresh yummie shrimp. He couldn't eat the bread of the sandwich if he wanted to enjoy the shrimp...they don't have a shrimp platter, so ordering without the bread of the sandwich is a round about way to get one. The waitresses really work hard too, so it was a good experience all the way around.

Last night we visited with our friends Brian and Elaine. They are native North Carolinians but now call South Alabama home. I believe it will remain that way from now on!! Oh, and we did convert them to Bama fans no matter what they may tell their friends from the "other side"...if you are from Alabama you know what that means! lol Tonight we are going back over to their house for some Carolina basketball. We haven't done that since our days in Fayetteville, NC, so we are all looking forward to it.

We are about to get ready for a day trip to Orange Beach/Gulf Shores. My friend, Melanie, and her son are there so we plan to have lunch with them. I'm not sure yet, but we may have to go down to the FloraBama and put our feet in the sand there. If any of you are Jimmy Buffett fans, then you know the FloraBama actually exists! It is quite the dive and we haven't been there since before we got married 18 years ago!!

Have a beautiful week.

Love you all,


Tuesday, March 17, 2009

long time, no post

It has been a while since I wrapped things up with radiation and said hello to you all...Hello! Things are going well. Since then I have had my first follow up appointment with my oncologist, Dr. Patel. He checked my blood and all seems to be tracking just fine post chemo. He didn't call me the day after my visit, so that means the liver is good to go!

I met a super nice lady from our church this week. Her name is Kelly and she will begin her chemo next week if all goes as planned. She is a beautiful young wife and mother of two who had to have a mastectomy. Please keep her in your prayers, as well as her husband and children.

I have noticed something quite odd since getting diagnosed...I now hear of more women than ever before who have been diagnosed. Not to make light of a very serious situation, but it is almost like getting a new never noticed how many were on the road until you bought yours! I went to a support group meeting a couple of weeks ago and met several long and short term survivors. It was great, and made me really want to get another one started with the girls I have recently met. I know I have said before that I wanted to do this and I think now is the time to get moving on it.

There is something I have to finally admit to everyone...I had my big "moment" a couple of weeks ago! It was the Sunday night after my radiation was finished. A longtime friend of ours, Terry, and his wife, Jennette, were visiting for just a night, and Destiny and Larry were here for dinner too. Sometime later that night I started crying and couldn't stop! I suppose I kept things bottled up a bit too long and it just poured out. I remember laying there in bed with Woody on one side and Destiny on the other until I fell asleep. Thank God for both of them! He put them both in my life for many reasons and this was one of the big ones. I think I was quite drained and just didn't have it in me until now to write about it. I would recommend to anyone going through this to let it out every now and then, don't wait until the very end!! I do have to tell a funny story, of course...Destiny said that she looked over at Woody and told him, "See, there was plenty of room in this bed for me to have spent the night before surgery!" She had told him she was spending the night before my surgery in September and sleeping with us!!! I love you, Des!

I think my sweet husband is beginning to stir, so I will close now. Since I am his "coffee wench" it is only appropriate for me to have it ready when he gets up!!

Have a wonderful weekend.

Love you all,


Saturday, March 7, 2009


Yes, that's right, I'm done with radiation!! WHOOHOO! We are sitting here having coffee in a post radiation home and it is a lovely thing. I will miss my girls at the center, but am so happy to have this part behind me.

We had a great time. Yes, I said a great time at my last appointment. Destiny and I got there and walked in with the cake only to find out that the machine had gone down!! Can you believe that one? I couldn't, but we took it in stride and just hung out eating cake, drinking coffee, amd chatting with other patients and the staff. Before they got it fixed Woody called and was able to be there with us! I will upload some pictures later on. The day ended with a closing and then a showing. It was wonderful all of the way around.

I can't thank Woody enough for being such a supportive husband through all of this, because I know it's been hard for him. Destiny has been a rock for both Woody and me with her support. I couldn't have done chemo and radiation without them. I have to also thank all of my family and friends who have encouraged me through this journey. If I didn't say it or say it enough, I appreciate it.

I am taking the weekend off and will begin my Tamoxifen on Monday night. There is a chance it will make me feel sick to my stomach, so I don't want to deal with that during the day. I will post the side effects that I have as time goes on.

Have a beautiful weekend and don't forget to spring forward!

Love you all,


Friday, March 6, 2009


Good morning! Today is the last day I will look over from my reclining position and see the words "BEAM ON" as the radiation is shooting into my breast to ensure the invader in my breast has been conquered!

I am surprising the girls at Vanderbuilt Gateway Treatment Center with a cake that my friend, Laurie, baked for me. I will post a pic of it later. It says "BEAM OFF". The staff there has been wonderful. Oddly enough, I will miss them! It is hard not to get attached when you are seeing these caregivers every day for weeks on end. They are a very compassionate group and manage to stay upbeat in spite of what they deal with everyday.

I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend. I am!!

Love you all,


Thursday, March 5, 2009


No matter how you slice it, there are only two days of radiation left!!! WOOHOO!!!

That is about all I have this morning. Have a great one.

Love you all,


Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Three, III, Tres...

Ok, I'm not very creative this morning and had to copy from yesterday!! It is getting closer and closer to the end.

I'm unsure about how I am supposed to be on Monday, though. I have had doctors appointments daily and/or weekly since late August and now that will change to every few months. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining. It's just how do you make the change from cancer patient to survivor? All along I've thought I didn't need support groups or to pull much from other survivors because I'm "so strong". I'm beginning to think differently now that I am at the end of two major treatments.

I am embarking upon the last part of my treatment with the use of Tamoxifen. This is a pill that I will take for 3-5 years. I will continue to see my oncologist about every 4 months to monitor everything, and will also continue to see my surgeon for ultrasounds. I need the Tamoxifen to stop the production of hormones because they are my enemy as far as breast cancer goes. My radiation oncologist told me yesterday that it will likely speed up the menopause that was chemically induced by the chemo. This is good and bad. The bad part is that my hot flashes will likely turn into full on night sweats for about three months! The good part is that they may only last for about three months!! I can handle this as long as I keep reminding myself that my "monthly visitor" will no longer be a part of my life! If, however, that visitor returns for some crazy reason, then I will have to rethink things!!! Of course, I know I have no control over how my body will react to the Tamoxifen and will just have to roll with the punches.

Here is a link to WebMD to check out Tamoxifen if you like: (Mom, if you read this please remember they have to list all side doesn't mean they will happen to me!!! I love you!!)

It is time for another cup of coffee and some cereal for breakfast. I hope you all have a great day.

Love you all,


Tuesday, March 3, 2009

4, FOUR, IV... matter how you say it, today is day four in the countdown to the end of radiation!!

Yesterday was great. Woody was promoted to CW03 (Chief Warrant Officer 3 for my non military friends!) and there was a small promotion ceremony for him. The Colonel took off his CW2 rank and I put on the new! It was quite an honor to do that for him. My husband doesn't care for a lot hoopla surrounding work things, but I think he did appreciate the moment we shared.

I am up early today doing this post because I have awakened twice sweating like crazy!! That is the worst part of chemically induced (or natural, I'm sure) menopause. It isn't bad every night, so I try to take the bad ones in stride. Of course, later today when I'm dog tired someone else might think its bad when I'm irritable!!

Have a wonderful day.

Love you all,


Monday, March 2, 2009


Today is FIVE in the final countdown to the end of radiation!! Yea!! We will see if I can post each day this week and make my blog look good...5, 4, 3, etc. I have not shown nearly enough attention to it as I should have.

Yesterday was a great day. First, I was asked to participate in a special service at church. It was awesome. The series we have been doing is "Am I the only one?". At the end of the service, 17 others and I walked across the stage during a song and held up a cardboard testimony. Mine, as you may guess, had to do with breast cancer. It said on one side "Attacked by breast cancer" and on the other "Healed by the Grace of God". I was much more in awe of the others who walked across that stage. I don't know if I would have had the courage to admit to everyone some of the things they did. There were signs about childhood sexual abuse, marriages in distress, infertility, drug abuse, no sense of self, selfishness, etc. It was easy to make my walk because my problem is visible and I have been very outspoken about it from the beginning. The strength it took for the others to make their walk definitely came from their relationship with God. They will be a huge catalyst of good and hope for others. God Bless them.

The second thing that made yesterday so good happened after I got to the office for my floor duty. Immediately after I opened the doors for business, a family came in that needed to sell their home and purchase another! They are a very nice family and their son was super sweet. He wanted to be a part of the process and it was fun making sure he wasn't excluded. He went into detail about what he wanted and needed in his room of the new home! Destiny and I will make sure we keep those things in mind as we help them make the transition from one home to another. Later that day, we were also reconnected with someone we met while working with the school system. It will be fun working with her and helping to make her dreams of entrepreneurship come true.

When I got home Woody had already grilled porkchops for dinner and chicken for the week! He is awesome and I love him so much. What a blessed woman I am to have him as my husband and to have the family and friends that I have.

Thank you and I love you all!


Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Final Eight Countdown...

Good morning.

I am so excited that today we begin my final eight radiation treatments!! They will zero in on my scar, and I think these may not take as long as the others. Today will be a bit longer than normal because they have to do a "dry run" before they actually do the treatment.

I can't believe it has been five months since this crazy roller coaster started. Once I finish with radiation the Tamoxifen regimine starts. That will bring a new list of possible side effects, but warding off future cancers is worth the risks. I will post later about the Tamoxifen, but be warned...there will be many posts because I must take it for 3-5 years!!

Better run. Must have coffee.

Love you all,


Thursday, February 19, 2009

11 to go!

I come to you tonight a tired woman. Yes, I have to admit that the radiation did, in fact, make me tired and a bit achy! I hit my wall this week, but I do believe that it could have been much worse. All of my treatments could have been much worse, and I am truly thankful that they weren't. We should all remember that as bad as we may think we have it, there is someone else in a worse situation. They may not have the faith, family, and friends to help them along the way.

Last week was a difficult week. For me personally, I was in a great deal of pain and had to get a root canal. Once the root canal was performed my pain eased up and life got much better.

The worst part of the week occurred on Monday night. A former co-worker and friend, and her husband were involved in an accident. Rich Sims was killed and his wife, Judy, was hurt badly. Judy will be in the hospital for 12 weeks as she recovers. She isn't allowed to move her pelvis. She has what I call "rebar" coming out of her body which is attached to screws in her pelvis. Destiny and I spent Saturday with her while her children buried their father. She was not able to travel to Nashville for the burial. It was hard to be there knowing what she was going through and how much more she has to deal with. There was little we could really do except be there to be whatever she needed us to be. Judy is going to be fine. She has a great deal of faith, as did Rich. That will get her through her recovery and she will need it more once she returns home. I ask that everyone keep her in their prayers.

Life is a beautiful thing and it is my hope that everyone embraces it and makes the most of everyday. Enjoy your family and friends everyday. If you need to tell someone that you love them, do it! Don't wait.

Love you all,


Sunday, February 8, 2009

13 down and 19 to go!

I'm getting close. I have had 13 radiation treatments and have only 19 to go! If everything goes as planned, then I will finish on March 5th. So far I have experienced some tenderness and redness, itching, and I'm tired at the end of the day. I am usually done by 10 in the morning and then I start my work day. One thing I do plan to keep in place is going to the gym every morning. It has really helped me to keep my energy up and I don't plan to stop progress!

I am happy to say "Welcome Home Larry"! Larry is Destiny's husband and he came home from Iraq last week after six months away. Because of the job he has, he and Destiny can't webcam with each other, so they literally did not see one another for 6 months! I am glad she was able to talk to him.

It was beautiful here today in Clarksville, TN! We are so ready for spring, sunshine, and warm weather!!! After some of the really cold weather we had this year, I was more convinced than ever that I really like living without tons of snow, ice and subzero temps!

Not much more to say this evening. I haven't been very good at blogging lately and I do resolve to get better at it. My friend Courtney rocks when it comes to blogging and I need to take notes!

Love you all,


Saturday, January 31, 2009

24 More To Go!

After three weeks of radiation I am looking forward to nothing interrupting the rest of my schedule! Initially I was scheduled to be finished on March 3rd, but now it is the 5th. There was a problem with the big door that keeps the radiation from reaching those outside of the treatment room and then we had a day of ice that kept them from opening. Please pray for no mechanical failures and good weather!!

Radiation is no big deal as far the treatment process itself. So far I am freckling a bit and today I noticed I itched a bit, but otherwise no real visual side effects. I have found, however, that I am tired at the end of the day! I am going to the gym pretty much every morning and walking on the treadmill from 30 - 60 minutes. My energy level is really good all day, but when I slow down and stop then it is over! Of course, I can't sleep all night because of the night sweats!! I guess I really shouldn't call them hot flashes, because they last longer than a flash!!! lol lol

All in all, I am doing fine and really shouldn't I won't!

Love you all,


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Cancer is Making Me Selfish...

This morning I am reminded that life isn't just about me and what I'm going through. As I sit here typing this, my husband, Woody, is at his dear friend's house watching the Army pack his belongings to take them to storage. Jason's mother is there as well and I know this is harder than anything I've been going through or will go through.

You see, Jason was killed in action last April in Iraq. He was on Woody's team and very much a little brother to him. We all loved Jason. He had an infectious smile and laugh that made him irresistible! His mother is watching his belongings get packed today and will close on his house this week as well. I know it is just a house, but it is more than that to her and to his father. It was a big part of their son's life, and although it will bring some amount of closer for them it is also hard extremely hard to do. Jason's best friend, Jeff, made sure the tree his parents bought for him for his front yard made its way to their home in Oklahoma. It was a gesture that they will cherish each time they look out into their yard and see it growing.

Woody is hurting too. You can't serve your country with someone and not have a bond that others can't even can't even be compared to that of a husband and wife. This week also marked the 5th anniversary of the death of another close friend, Kelly, who was also killed while serving his country in Iraq. Woody and Kelly were privates together and had a mutual respect and brotherly love for one another. This spring marks the first anniversay of Jason's death and then in October we will mark the 3rd anniversary of the death another friend, Scott. Scott gave his life while serving in Afghanistan. Woody and Scott started their Special Forces careers together and were very close. All three men left children behind and many who loved them dearly.

So, it is with a heavy heart that I write this morning. I'm reminded that although I might grow tired of the doctor's, scars and other marks on my body, I still have life. I must learn to put all of my disease aside and be supportive of those that I love, especially my husband. My fight is bringing more time on earth with my loved ones, and I must learn to remember that and turn the focus away from myself and toward those who need me more.

Woody, I love you so much.

Love you all,


Sunday, January 18, 2009

Radiation, Week Two

Monday begins a full week of radiation. I know that means things are going to heat up, but it also means I will be getting closer to being done with this phase of my treatment. The ladies there are super nice and try to make things as pleasant and quick as possible. I know that I couldn't do it if the atmosphere was anything less. I am a firm believer that having a postive attitude, smiling, and laughing makes it much easier to deal with this whole cancer thing.

On another note, my hair is starting to grow!! Right now we aren't sure exactly what color it is going to be. It sometimes looks very blonde and then we see some dark trying to come through. I just can't wait for it to come in enough for me to call my older brother to tell him what color my hair actually is minus the trips to the salon for a little help, of course! Believe it or not, I really can feel it blowing in the wind sometimes!! lol

I am working on a plan in my mind for a support group. I want to include current patients, but I hope to have at least one multi-year survivor as well. I think it will be important for each person to see there is hope and light at the end of the tunnel. Wish me luck!

I would like for you all to keep a new friend of mine in your prayers. Her name is Tracy Billingsly and she just started her chemo last week. Tracy has stage 3A breast cancer. She is a young wife and mother, who is just precious! I know she is a fighter and that she, too, will kick cancer's behind! Tell everyone you know to pray for her and I will keep you posted on her progress. I am hopeful that she will also start a blog. If she does, then I will post a link to it on mine.

Oh, I got the most awesome red boots for my birthday from my sweet husband! I plan to wear them tomorrow. Maybe I will snap a picture to post...just teasing, but they really are awesome!

I know that this new year is going to be full of wonderful times with family and friends. Woody and I plan to get back out there and hit some golf balls. I have to drop about 25 lbs and build up some stamina or I won't be out there as much I want to be!

You all take great care and have a fabulous week!

Love you all,


Friday, January 16, 2009

Radiation, Week One

Tonight I come to you after my first three radiation treatments. Things have gone well, and I am hanging in there for now. Initially, my treatments were to end on March 3rd, but today there was a malfunction with the big door that keeps everyone else away from the radiation room. This cancelled my 11 a.m. treatment.

The worst thing so far is seeing all of these ink marks on my breast and chest! Trust me, it isn't attractive. This is just part of the process, so I will just have to deal with it.

I am anxious to get these next few weeks over. After radiation is over I will begin taking Tamoxifen to block my body's production of hormones. I will write more on that later.

I am thinking of starting a support group here in Clarksville for patients and survivors of breast cancer. It is just in my mind, so I will keep you posted as plans progress into reality.

Have a wonderful weekend, and I hope that some of you are in warmer climates!! It is below 20 here in Clarksville, TN!!

Love you all,


Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Radiation Regimen Begins...

Last Wednesday I had my CT scan and got "marked" for radiation. I was very nervous because I am claustrophobic and wasn't sure how deep into the machine I would have to go! Thankfully, not that far so I managed to make it through without too much trauma.

I must admit that the reason I haven't updated my blog since then is because I did experience a "bad day", anxiety, whatever you want to call it. I'm not sure why I had those feelings. I think maybe it just hit me that I am about to be a "cancer patient" again. You may think that sounds odd, but I have had a little time since finishing chemo and kinda got used to not working around doctor's appointments. Yes, it was only a couple of weeks, but still it felt normal for a bit. Now, I'm back at starting on Tuesday...back at being a cancer patient.

Being a cancer patient has had its pros and cons! You may be thinking what are the pros. Well, I believe that I am ultimately supposed to use my experience to bring awareness to early detection. It also makes you think about life and what is really important. For me that is family and friends. Yes, I want to be successful in my business, but that is empty without those you love beside you. On the lighter side, I have gotten to eat a lot of chocolate without too much remorse!!

The cons are a bit more obvious. Although I really didn't get sick or feel too bad from the chemo, I do have the obvious side effect that screams "I have cancer" hair! I must admit that it really doesn't bother that much. The bright side is, according to my big brother, we all get to find out what color my hair really is!! Of course, if I don't like that color then I have a big decision to make...blonde or red!!! The cons coming up with radiation appear to be skin discomfort as well as potential tiredness/fatigue. It bothers me that I might have to spend a few weeks not living life the way I want to, but we will have to see. I did react well to chemo, so maybe radiation will be as good to me.

The worse con with being a cancer patient is having people treat you that way. It gets frustrating sometimes when well meaning people ask those closest to me how I am doing rather than calling or emailing me themselves. If I don't feel like talking I can let it roll to voicemail, call back, or email. The other thing it does is make those getting asked the questions feel as though they don't matter. By only asking how I am doing makes them feel as though they don't exist and that really hurts me for them. When you have family and friends sacrifice so much to be your rock and to treat you as normal as possible, it seems their struggle is forgotten. Trust me, they are struggling as much or more than me! So, remember to ask caregivers how they are and if you can do something for them...they need a break too!

Let's all look forward to a wonderful 2009! I plan to work really hard in my Real Estate career and enjoy my husband, family and friends more than ever. I also plan to work to bring awarness to early detection as well as raise money through the Making Strides for Breast Cancer walk in October. Last year we got a very late start, so this year I really plan to kick things up a notch! If you are an Exit agent in the Nashville/Clarksville area, then get prepared to walk 5 miles...I will be in touch!

Have a great rest of the weekend.

Love you all,


Sunday, January 4, 2009

Better Health in 2009

Tonight I come to you after having my "last hoorah" dinner and dessert!! We had chinese and cheesecake. It was goooood! Tomorrow we start a much better eating plan as well as a better exercise plan.

I know that everyone is all about new year's resolutions and rarely do they ever withstand the test of time. I am determined that this year I will stand the test of time because I know how important it is for me to live a much healthier lifestyle. I can't kick cancer's behind and then continue to neglect my health. It is critical that I change my habits from bad to good and stick with it. '09 is going to be my year to accomplish this goal. Set your goals for '09, tell someone what they are, and work hard to meet them.

So, if you are aware at any time that I am slacking, please feel free to remind me of this post! I will put out this disclaimer...I don't know how radiation is going to affect me. If I can only do treadmill time and have to back off of weights for a brief time, then you can't bust my chops too much!!

I know that it is going to be a great year!

Love you all,


Thursday, January 1, 2009


Today I come to you from the manroom where I sit watching football with Woody and can smell the greens a cookin! Love the tradition of blackeyed peas and greens on New Year's Day. I know it doesn't really work and provide me with good luck and money, but they sure do taste good! That cornbread will be good too!!

I am excited about this new year. As I talked with Destiny this morning, I was reminded that I needed to put my "bucket list 09" down on paper so that I can check them off as the year progresses. Woody and I put some down on paper yesterday, but I want to put some up more prominently than others and will do that today. If you can't see a goal, you can't reach it!

I hope everyone has a great rest of the weekend and that your team(s) win big! Of course we are first and foremost pulling for all SEC teams, especially BAMA! Then comes Clemson (beat Nebraska for Dayna!) and Penn State needs to crush USC!

Love you all,


Going Bald My Way!