Wednesday, August 26, 2009

AWESOME Ultrasound!

I had the best ultrasound this morning! It was the first one on my affected breast since surgery and treatment. I don't think any of us in the room (me, Woody, Dr. Steely, Nurse Judy) expected what we saw...FEWER cysts than ever before! Dr. Steely said, "I'm taking pictures for reference" because there really wasn't much to mark as far as cysts go!

I am so thankful for this, and will be doing a post very soon discussing many things I am thankful for so stay tuned!

Have a blessed day, I sure did!



Lou Vodopya said...

I think we're related, perhaps through your husband.

mlynnham said...

You are falling behind no updates since Aug 26th.


Going Bald My Way!