Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Bald is Beautiful, Part Three: Going Bald My Way!

Well, the day finally arrived and it was Tuesday! My hair, as you know, had been gradually coming out, and Monday it started with a vengence! So, I decided it was time to do the deed!!!

Destiny and Laurie were at the house with Woody and me, so we just went out on the deck and made a party out of it! I have uploaded a picture or two, but if you either click on the link below or cut and paste it, you can see a slideshow of the whole event.

We had a great time and I have to say that it is quite liberating being bald. I know that I will have an easier time getting ready in the mornings whether I chose the itchy wig or simply a hat.

Have a wonderful day!

Love you all,



Pamela said...

Hey lovely, bald beauty! That is great! Woody and you are STILL the best looking couple EVER! Who needs hair? Not the two you that is for sure! :) I am so proud of you for embracing your baldness! And I think I love you more for it! Just wanted to let you know that I was peaking to see how your are and to say hey and I love ya! Hope to talk to you soon! Love, P (this is Pamela P ... hee)

Kari said...

You're definitely right - Bald is beautiful. You look great. Knowing your personality - I am glad you did it your way - really - is there any other way, but Lynne's way? Just kidding.
I love seeing the smile on your face. I wish I could have been there for the "Hold my hair comment." Priceless!!!!!
You two keep having fun together. Destiny is truly an amazing friend. Thank you Destiny. :) Love you and miss you.

Going Bald My Way!