Friday, November 14, 2008


GREAT NEWS...THE NEULASTA SHOT WORKED!!!!!!!!! That's right, my white count went from "plummetting" to "skyrocketing"! Dr. Patel was very happy to see my numbers increase so much. He said that I could do my floor duty on Monday without worrying too much and could also shop for a bit with Melanie when she comes without wearing a mask! Yippeee!!!

I gathered some information today from Dr. Patel (oncologist) and Dr. Steely (surgeon) to put together a presentation about breast cancer and my story. Laurie has asked me to speak to her Mom's Club in December or January and I am very excited about it. I am hopeful that I can put together a really good presentation and be able to share it with others as well. Wish me luck!

Well, I am going to close now. Woody has gone to get Chinese food for dinner. Destiny and I had to travel a bit this afternoon to check on a listing, so I am ready for a relaxing night!

Love you all,


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Going Bald My Way!